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Native Blood as leather tote bag
You’ve been a big proponent of amp modeling, but the studio can be very different. Do you use live amps and pedals while recording?Actually, funny enough, I’m pacing around my studio right now, staring at a wall of amps and pedals. But no analog equipment was harmed in the making of this record. The album is 100 percent Neural DSP plug-ins. Isn’t that terrifying? It’s terrifying.It’s the Fortin Cali Suite plug-in on all of the rhythms. It’s amp three from the Archetype: Nolly on the majority of leads. Some stylized cleans are from Archetype: Abasi. And we used the 800-type amp two from Archetype: Nolly for some split-coil pushed mid-gain type vibes and textural-type things.
The even crazier part was that every single tone that made it into the mix was the exact tone that we dialed in to track with. I literally sat there with a cable plugged into a Radial DI that went into some sort of outboard compressor scenario. The bass was probably 90 percent Parallax, maybe a little bit of the Darkglass plug-in at times. That’s it. Funny enough, while all of the guitars are completely digital, there is zero sample replacement or reinforcement on the drum kit. The drums are more natural than the fucking guitars, which is insane!
Will you be programming those tones into your Axe-Fx III for live performance, or will you be using the Neural DSP stuff onstage?The live rig hasn’t changed at all since we did that Rig Rundown. It went from that tour into storage, because life is a cruel joke in 2020 [laughs]. I’m already so stressed out about a laptop running in conjunction with the show. I only want it to be tasked with sequencing and the clicks, and when we have an automated light show, MIDI changes, and stuff like that.
The album is 100 percent Neural DSP plugins. Isn’t that terrifying? It’s terrifying.
The Axe-Fx III is my favorite modeler. It’s the crown jewel of the modeling world and I’m extremely comfortable with it. I have no doubt that I could recreate everything that I’ve achieved in the box with the Axe-Fx. And I love the AX8. It’s what we use for international touring. We run them with the smaller Seymour Duncan PowerStage power-amp setup. But the AX8 was discontinued, and they moved over to the FM3. So I am going to be checking out the Neural DSP Quad Cortex.
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