Personalized I promise to love you even when we’re old and we still play video games poster


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Personalized I promise to love you even when we’re old and we still play video games poster

 Amy says that losing a pet in the middle of a global pandemic is 'incomprehensible' (Credit: Amy Ockelford)

Robin Grey, psychotherapist and author of Coping With Pet Loss, says: "Pet loss is a hugely under recognised area of bereavement. There are certain types of grief that are more socially sanctioned; the loss of a relative or a friend is given more status by people and workplaces than the loss of a pet. In fact, some can be very dismissive of people grieving the loss of a pet.

"Unfortunately there's very little understanding of the unique relationships people form with their pets and these bonds have become even more important to people during lockdown.

"There needs to be much more understanding about the intimate connection people can have with their pets; and that needs to be taken into consideration by employers and, generally, by society."

It's true, so many sections of society don't understand the love you can feel for an animal. I've heard so many times, "He's just a dog." But were inseparable; he'd been by my side since the day I adopted him, and now there's an endless emptiness at my feet, in our house, in my heart. I feel totally lost without him.

Time has helped the heart to heal, as has adopting Storm. But a piece of my heart will remain broken. Current employment policies say that employees are entitled to bereavement leave if a dependent - a parent, partner or child - dies.

Policy should be much more flexible and should encourage employers to show flexibility and understanding that, for many, losing a friend or a pet can be just as painful as losing a relative. It's time people stop trivializing the loss of a pet, allowing us the time we need to say goodbye.


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