LGBT Treat Every Person Kindly Shirt, hoodie, tank top

 LGBT Treat Every Person Kindly Shirt

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LGBT Treat Every Person Kindly Shirt, hoodie, tank top

 Mr. McConnell pointed out the obvious that majorities aren’t permanent and eventually Republicans would be in position to rule the Senate without a filibuster. Imagine what they might pass? Mr. McConnell gave a few examples-defunding Planned Parenthood-but for political flavor think GOP Sens. Josh Hawley and Rand Paul unbound.

These columns have been frustrated by many Democratic filibusters over the years, but the rule exists to protect minority rights and require large majorities for significant reforms. If Democrats blow it up on the narrowest of majority votes, they will own the unintended consequences.

Online: https://www.Wsj.Com


March 15

The Chicago Tribune on a spate of fatal shootings:

News of Chicago’s latest mass shooting traveled across the United States and around the world Sunday, landing in a news feed in Moscow, Russia. Latest mass shooting. Let that sink in for a moment.

“At least 15 shot, 2 killed in Mass Shooting in US’ Chicago,” the international headline read.

A “pop-up party” at a business in the Park Manor neighborhood turned deadly when a shooting erupted inside. At least 15 people were hit, two fatally. Police will need the help of witnesses to put a case together, to find and arrest the perpetrators. Will anyone help them? Or will the murderer, or two or three, remain free, protected by silence?

Big city violence is on the rise across the country. Chicago ended last year with a startling 55% increase in homicides over 2019. This year is not off to a good start. And summer is coming.

Last summer, 24 children under the age of 11 were shot, five fatally during a one-month stretch: 20-month-old Sincere Gaston, shot in the back seat of a car; 3-year-old Mekhi James, also shot in the back seat of a car; 13-year-old Amaria Jones, shot by a bullet that flew into her residence; 7-year-old Natalia Wallace, shot on a sidewalk; 10-year-old Lena Nunez, hit by a bullet while inside her home.


LGBT Treat Every Person Kindly Shirt, hoodie, tank top
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